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Diet Plan for Ab Positive Blood Group

Have you ever heard that eating a diet based on your blood type: O, A, B, or AB can help you lose weight and prevent diseases? Yes, blood group diet affects the health and well- being of a person a lot. Eating specific foods tailored to your blood type will help you store less fat in your body, allows better digestion, fight off and avoid diseases and increases your energy level. So, it's very important to have your diet right for your blood type.

ALSO READ: GM Diet Plan: Fastest Way To Lose Weight.

*Blood group diet does not differentiate between positive or negative blood types.

Blood Group types

Blood Group Diet- Type O Blood

People with type O blood digest and metabolize meat easily, and vegetarian diets are not advised.


Consume more of animal proteins, a high-protein diet based largely on lean, organic meat.

  • Mutton,
  • Beef,
  • Lamb,
  • Cold-water fish like cod, and mackerel.
  • Eggs,
  • Seafood.

Focus more on fermented foods. Include certain fruits which help balance the acidity of the digestive tract to prevent ulcers

  • Plums,
  • Prunes,
  • Figs.

Choose your vegetables carefully. You can have

  • Kale,
  • Lettuce,
  • Broccoli,
  • Spinach,
  • Garlic,
  • Onions,
  • Pumpkins,
  • Turnips.


People with type O blood group should limit the intake of

  • Grains,
  • Kidney Beans,
  • Legumes,
  • Wheat,
  • Lentils,
  • Dairy,
  • Bacon,
  • Ham,
  • Pork.

Avoid these fruits and vegetables as these can irritate a type O's naturally acidic stomach.

  • Oranges,
  • Melon,
  • Kiwi,
  • Strawberry, Blackberry,
  • Coconut,
  • Eggplant,
  • Mushrooms,
  • Green Peas,
  • Cauliflower,
  • Corn,
  • Eggplant,
  • Potatoes.

Type A Blood

People with type A blood have a sensitive immune system, they should avoid meat based diet and focus more on vegetarian diet. Actually meat is not completely off limits, it's just that it should make up a smaller part of their diet.


People with blood group A should eat more of wheat based vegetarian food items.

  • Rice,
  • Oats,
  • Whole Grains,
  • Pasta,
  • Rye.

It should be rich in plants, based on fruits and vegetables (ideally, organic and fresh).

  • Beans,
  • Legumes
  • Soy,
  • Tofu,
  • Pumpkin Seeds,
  • Peanuts,
  • Apricots,
  • Figs,
  • Lemons,
  • Olive Oil,
  • Pineapple.


This blood group diet should be completely free of "toxic" red meat. Avoid animal food such as

  • Chicken,
  • Meat,
  • Fish,
  • Eggs.

This closely resembles a vegetarian diet. But still avoid

  • Banana,
  • Coconut,
  • Papaya,
  • Cashew,
  • Pistachios,
  • Dairy,
  • Beer.

Blood Group Diet

Type B Blood

This blood group diet should have a balance between both animal and vegetable selections.


These people should be encouraged to eat plants and also some dairy.

  • Green Vegetables,
  • Grains,
  • Legumes,
  • Beans,
  • Fruits,
  • Low-fat dairy products,
  • Licorice Tea.

People with blood group B can eat some of the animal proteins too.

  • Eggs,
  • Certain meats,
  • Fish,
  • Seafood,
  • Liver.


They should avoid these animal foods

  • Chicken,
  • Pork.

Some other food items which are also problematic

  • Corn,
  • Wheat,
  • Buckwheat,
  • Lentils,
  • Tomatoes,
  • Peanuts,
  • Sesame seeds.

Type AB Blood

Type AB has emerged from types A and B, having some characteristics of both. Basically this blood group reflects the mixed inheritance of their A and B genes.


Type AB has Type A's low stomach acid, however, they also have Type B's adaptation to meats. So they can have a mixed diet and should focus on

  • Alkaline fruits such as plums, berries, and grapes, pineapple and lemon.
  • Green Vegetables like beans, soybean.
  • Tofu,
  • Legumes and Lentils
  • Grains,
  • Dairy,
  • Peanuts, Walnuts.

In the meat category, you can consume

  • Seafood like tuna, sardines.
  • Lamb,
  • Fish,
  • Rabbit,
  • Turkey.


Avoid the following foods which are not at all good for your health and lead to weight gain too.

  • Non-veg like Chicken, Red meat, Beef.
  • Veg Items like Corn, Kidney Beans, Buckwheat, Seeds.
  • Fruits like Orange, Banana.
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol too.

Diet Plan for Ab Positive Blood Group
